Wednesday, October 13, 2010



Trader32 said...

Excellent as always! :-)

Anonymous said...

I like your philosophy of small, but sure bits at a time. Are you simply entering after 2 positive bars in the direction of the trend? How do you exit?

The forexbird said...

Thank you Trader32. Not always excellent, I continue to make mistakes like anybody, we are just humans...

The forexbird said...

the 2 bars is a way to entry for sure, i look more on local supp/res levels. For exits, i trail my stop 1-3 bars behind the price.

Gambhir said...

We definitely need to be careful with these things. I mostly prefer to trade when I am sure about things while another great benefit for me is my broker OctaFX, they have excellent cash back service where I get 50% back on all trading orders including the losing trades too, so that’s definitely very cool and helps with the performance. Also, this is something that gives me license to be aggressive knowing I have got enough backup to cover the difficult moments.